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7/30/2017 週日舊金山健行 (淡江校友會/青青合唱團合辦)

Posted by on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 (PST)

***San Francisco Golden Walking Tour (Barbary Coast Trail) 欣賞舊金山美景並回顧歷史***


這週日(7/30)歡迎一起到氣候宜人的舊金山健行避暑。北加州淡江校友會這次很榮幸能與灣區知名的青青合唱團合辦此活動,傑出校友曾立仁與吳純娟將帶領大家沿著輕鬆的 Barbary Coast Trail 步道欣賞舊金山美景並回顧許多重要有趣的歷史及地標,請勿錯過!

有興趣的校友,請和許明玉連絡 (Corina, CorinaHsu2000@gmail.com, 510-552-5830)。


[San Francisco Golden Walking Tour Information]:

Lead: Arthur Tseng
Tour Guide: Linda Chai, Celia Tseng, Sharon Fang
Destination: Barbary Coast Trail
Distance: 5 miles
Height Gain: 100 ft
Difficulty: 4
Exposure: 80%

[Gathering Time/Location]:

Gathering Time: 10:00 AM
Gathering Location: Marina Green Triangle (close to San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf)
GPS: 37.806545, -122.434382
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/uMHr7FP7R7T2

[Parking Location]:

Parking lot on Marina Green Drive (Short walking distance to gathering place)
GPS: 37.807211, -122.437257
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/fQopE6oEWcU2

[Whether Forecast]:

Sunny, High/Low 73°/58°

[What to Bring]: Water, Hat, Sun glasses, Camera, Smiles, Hiking poles, Lunch (or dine out), Walkie Talkie (Channel 2.22)

[Important Note]:

1. If you would like to join this event, please RSVP (CorinaHsu2000@gmail.com)

2. Suggest you to watch the 9 videos from the link below about the story and background of "Barbary Coast Trail" prior to the event.

Trail background videos:


3. We plan to have a lunch break in Chinatown area. You can have lunch there or bring your own lunch for picnic.

4. This is a one way route. We will finish hiking at "The San Francisco Mint" (5th St. & Mission St.) around 3pm. After hiking, you can:

(a) Take cable car on Market St back to "Powell-Hyde Cable Car Turntable", then take a short walk to parking location.

(b) Several drivers take a Uber to parking location then drive car back to pick up your passengers.

(c) Take other transportation back to parking location.

謝謝! 大家週日見!

北加州淡江大學校友會會長許明玉 (Corina) 敬上
Email: CorinaHsu2000@gmail.com
510-552-5830 (cell)


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