台灣經濟部將於11月4日辦理「2017年臺灣赴美攬才訪問團」矽谷一對一媒合洽談會,共計有資策會及工研院等2家國內科研單位及聯發科、美光記憶體、鈺創、聯傑、北美祥茂、台灣微脂體,以及創意電子、中華電信、京晨科技、BioKey、CSBio、兆豐商銀、18度C巧克力等駐美企業代表共15家參加洽談會,台北貿協並協助鴻海、廣達、凌巨科技、德淵企業、新唐科技、玉山銀行、台新銀行等7家企業代徵職缺。活動現場備有iPad Mini4 128GB 乙台抽獎。
歡迎踴躍報名預約: RSVP here.
更多攬才職缺和面談時間資訊: 2017 Contact TAIWAN Silicon Valley Career Fair.
11/4 (星期六)上午10:00~下午3:00
Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, Magnolia room (1F)
5101 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Taiwan Trade Center, San Francisco office cordially invites you to participate in the 2017 Contact TAIWAN Silicon Valley Career Fair. It will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 10am to 3pm at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara Hotel, Magnolia Room (5101 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054, free parking). Come speak with representatives from participating companies and interact with other participants. Everyone is welcome to participate in this event. Just bring your resumes! Registration is encouraged for scheduling interviews to meet one on one with company representatives. Please RSVP here.
For event details, please visit 2017 Contact TAIWAN Silicon Valley Career Fair. Participating companies from Silicon Valley and Taiwan such as MediaTek, Etron Technology, GUC, BioKey, Peimei Shinemound Enterprise, DAVICOM Semiconductor, Mega Int’l Commercial Bank, CS Bio, Taiwan Liposome Company /TLC BioPharmaceutical, NUUO, Foxconn /HonHai, Quanta Computer, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Institute for Information Industry (III), and more!
For the complete list of participating companies please click here and RSVP here for an interview time. The registration is free!
A raffle will be taking place and we will be giving away a brand new 128 GB iPad mini 4!